RAAF Base Williamtown is home to the tactical fighter
element of the Air Combat Group and both the Airborne
Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) and Air Traffic Control elements of Surveillance and Response Group.


Combined, these elements manage six flying squadrons from RAAF Williamtown. Combat Support Group via 26 Squadron manage and operate the Defence Fuel Installation providing aviation fuel to support flying operations.

The works included the removal of three existing grease arrestors and replacement with new ones. The works included excavation below 3m and in compact areas. The works were completed without disruption to the base staff or facilities.

Duratec proposed the use of a slimline system alternative solution to eradicate issues relating to encountering ground water on base.


  • Unsuitable subgrade was identified with mitigation measures put in place for the use of temporary shoring boxes to enable safer installation.
  • Service location and pot holing was critical in identifying underground pipework and conduits, to ensure they were not compromised, and did not disrupt base operations.
  • Project completed in three weeks.
  • Understanding the site constraints to value engineer a better solution in eradicating potential ground water issues.
  • Completed on time and on schedule.


  • HVAC Upgrades

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