Victoria Barracks was the administrative headquarters for the Australian Army but to ensure the close coordination of the three services necessary to the war effort, the Barracks also became the administrative headquarters of the Royal Australian Navy and Royal Australian Air Force.


The TS Voyager Drill Hall was established around 1910, originally constructed as a boat shed, slipway and jetty. It was first used by Navy Cadets in 1958 when it became part of the nearby Naval Reserve Depot. The Drill Hall is of local heritage value.

Duratec has been engaged by Augility to perform the following scope of works:

Victoria Barracks
The project includes works on A Block, ANW Block and C Block. Specifically, A Block requires windows, doors and iron-ore item restoration, ANW Block requires reviewing the past structural assessments and addressing the rising damp issue, and C Block requires conducting window frame restoration works.

TS Voyager Drill Hall
The project includes repairing/replacing rotting and broken weather boards, repainting externally, repairing drill door, windows and flooring of the Drill Hall.


  • The opportunity to work on buildings with such historical significance.


  • Preservation of Heritage Structures

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