The owners of 996 Hay Street – a large residential and commercial complex in the heart of Perth engaged Duratec to complete a full external survey of their building.


Most of the external survey was performed by rope access professionals who noted and photographed any visible defects.

In the building carpark, Duratec engineers also provided some diagnostic surveying of water leaks from the complex’s swimming pool which were causing chloride contamination of one of the reinforced concrete support beams.


  • Rope access is a nationally accredited skill and is regarded as one of the safest forms of access as well as being fast and cost effective.
  • A Corromap instrument was used to measure and record the corrosion rate of the reinforcing steel, the half-cell potentials and the resistance of the cover concrete, key information required to enable informed decision making on recommended remediation techniques.
  • The owners received a detailed report highlighting all defects which will enable the project to be accurately priced and the correct methodologies ascertained for the repairs works.


  • Condition Assessment
  • Non Destructive Testing & Structural Health

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