Duratec was engaged by Tomago Aluminium to rectify water leaks in Potlines E & F by installing additional flashing under the original Potline Roof Ventilator.

The flashing was extended to seal the roof sheeting and resolve issues with water leaks emanating from this area. Due to the nature of the roof condition, a crane man box was utilised to perform the installation for the duration of the works.


Scope of works

  • Wash and clean the surface using a cleaning degreaser and then dry the surface prior to paint application
  • Apply two layers of paint on the existing roof sheets
  • Remove screws in the existing flashing extension and pull forward
  • New flashing installed over the top
  • Inspection of loose ventilator sheets and brittle roof sheets


  • Duratec worked with mobile cranes for the duration of the project, utilising 2 x crane man boxes to perform the scope of works.
  • Duratec worked closely with the client to coordinate crane mobilisation positions to avoid potential services clashes, reduce TAC operation delays and other potential hazards.
  • Duratec performed 36 crane mobilisations over the 7-month duration of the project.

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