Infrastructure found in marine environments commonly faces reduced life spans due to the harsh environmental conditions.

As a marine asset owner, you understand the challenges faced during remediation programs including minimising disruptions to live docks and wharves, accommodating shipping movements and operating in sensitive marine environments.

Duratec offers a full range of engineering, construction and remediation services for your marine assets including repairs to wharves and jetties, bridges, fender and dolphins, piles, beams and soffits and sheet pile coatings.

Wharf construction

Duratec’s extensive wharf construction experience will ensure your new marine structure is built to the highest quality, on time, and within budget. Whether it is a new structure or the repair and extension of an existing one, our ability to provide both above-water and below-water construction services can lead to future operational efficiencies.

Our teams are experienced in installing deep foundation structures for marine-based infrastructure; however, our services go beyond pile driving. Our teams are experienced in concrete placement, embedment, mechanical assembly, fender systems, installation of firefighting, potable water, electrical mains and security systems for marine structures.


Our team of experienced professionals have the expertise needed to dredge, transport, and recycling or disposal of material.

We offer both mechanical and hydraulic dredging services and have experience performing localised dredging to achieve required design seabed levels.

Flinders Port Remediation Project

The Duratec South Australia team first began working at Inner Harbour Adelaide in 2019. The assignment? To remediate the wharf’s berths 18 to 20 in three stages. The structure had deteriorated significantly and required significant rehabilitation to bring it up to an acceptable condition to continue operating safely and effectively into the future.

Being awarded all three stages of the Flinders Ports project is testament to the South Australia team’s consistent delivery of high-quality marine work and ability to work within time and budget constraints.

Interested in working with us? Get in contact